Saturday, June 23, 2012

Risk - Five Minute Friday

I'm still figuring out this blogging thing, and one thing I just figured out is that the five minute Friday gal actually posts the prompt for the day.  So since that is a new insight for me, I thought I would do a second five minute Friday for today.  I still haven't figured out how to link to the actual site and become part of the five minute friday gang, but each day brings new lessons.  Today's prompt is risk so here goes...

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There’s an elephant in the room and no one, including me will address it.  Is it because I think it belongs here?  Or maybe I think it will stomp all over me if I try to take it on.  Perhaps I am just afraid that I won’t handle the elephant correctly and then who knows what it might do.  I have been with this elephant before and it is difficult to take risks around it.  I have been with similar elephants before.  They always make me uncomfortable but I just don’st seem to know what to do with them.  Why won’t I take the risk to deal with these animals?  They cause so much stress having them around, but they are there prancing around like nobody’s business.  And perhaps that is the reason I won’t risk it.  Is it really my business.  Who is this nobody anyway?  If it is nobody’s business, this elephant, then why can’t this nobody come and take him away?  Why does this elephant so often show up to make relationships uncomfortable when the elephant belongs to nobody.  Somebody should take a risk and come deal with this nobody character.

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