Friday, June 15, 2012

Healing Crisis - Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday at 

What is a healing crisis?  Within my limited knowledge,the best way I can describe it is a healing crisis is the way the body deals with the unloading of toxins, whether they be pollutants or microbes.  As your body goes through the process of cleansing when you oil pull, change your diet to one of healthier choices, or choose some cleansing process, you can experience events which are very much like sickness or like other ailments you have had in the past.  I have read that these can often be a reliving of what you have experienced in reverse order even back to childhood.  So that if you most recently had a cold and last year you had a swollen ankle, for instance, you might have cold symptoms again and after that at some point you may re-experience the swollen ankle.
I haven’t quite figured out how that might work if say you have had a heart attack, but I hope my research will provide further insight.  That’s brief, but we are out of time.  The point is, if cleansing, don’t run to the medicine closet if you feel sick; rejoice that you are getting healthier with each cough.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting food for thought. I would never have made that connection.


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