Thursday, April 30, 2015


I am catching up on my A to Z Challenge. I fell behind due to an accumulation of circumstances that occur in life.

A to Z Challenge

Worms - any of a number of creeping or burrowing invertebrate animals with long, slender, soft bodies and no limbs.

As I walked this morning, there were lots of little squirming worms about on the sidewalk. I couldn’t help thinking about them. They were seeking refuge from the rain. I thought about their purpose, burrowing through the soil to aerate and fertilize.  Amazing little creatures aren’t they?!

Could they have evolved from nothing? I mean, when I think about the importance of the worm and its purpose, I think about the other things in the world. I think of how it all fits together and works together. Could it have just come about randomly? No, I don’t think so. It takes too much faith to look at a world that is clearly designed and believe it just happened. I mean, consider the worm.

Consider the worms:

God bless, Maria


  1. Hey, it takes a good worm to go fishing! They help the soil. Of course there are some that ruin tomatoes.
    Keep it up! You can still finish.
    Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
    with the A to Z Challenge

  2. Thanks for your encouragement. I did finally finish but want to visit as well to fulfill my other commitment. I'll be by. Maria

  3. Worms are very important creatures. Happy Blitz Day!


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